Student Competition 2024

Joshua Waithe (USA), Pamela Vilches Heyries (MX), Carla Duncan (USA)

International Student Research Paper Competition – LACCEI 2024 (July)

1st Place: Soil Sampling and Analysis Robot S.S.A.R.
Authors: Carla Montserrat Vasquez Chavez, Daniel Alejandro Garcia, Carlo Emmanuele Ovalle
Institution: Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology (United States of America)

2nd Place: Thermal comfort of an adobe house in the high Andean area: case study’s the houses in the Pampa Quehuar
Authors: Keila Nora Quispe, Gilmer Challco
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica del Peru (Peru)

3rd Place: Integration of Image Processing and 3D Printing for Enhanced Intracranial Malformation Detection and Surgical Planning
Authors: Celine Jireh Coello, Shelsy Zambrano, Mariana Rodríguez
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana – UNITEC (Honduras)

International Competition of Poster Student – LACCEI 2024 (July)

1st Place: Exploring the Thermal Stability and Durability of Polymer-Based Materials: A Comprehensive Analysis of Plastic Bag Lifespan
Authors: Pamela Vilches Heyries
Institution: Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico)

2nd Place: Enhancing Network Security with Raspberry PI 4: Leveraging Pi-Hole and Wireshark
Authors: Joshua Waithe
Institution: Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology (United States of America)

3rd Place: Assessing the Influence of Education on College Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Carla Duncan, Natalie Roberts
Institution: Florida Atlantic University (United States of America)

3MT – LACCEI 2024 (July)

International Master Thesis: Effect of the type of fermentation and style on chemometrics of commercial Mexican beers
Authors: Jorge Abraham, Clorio-Carrillo
Institution: Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico)

International Doctoral Thesis: Multi-omic analysis of a microalga after 13 years of acclimation under high-CO2 for flue gas mitigation and high-value byproduct generation
Authors: Mora Godinez, Shirley
Institution: Tecnologico de Monterrey (Mexico)

LACCEI First Virtual Hackathon – LACCEI 2024 (Feb to April)

1st Place: Implementation of a monitoring system for electrical parameter such as DC voltage and UPS battery charge percentage to prevent possible interruptions in electrical service using IoT and ThinkSpeak
Authors – Avengers Team: Jorge Sebastian Mendez-Indacochea, Christopher Ariel Romero-Lambogglia, and Maria Paula Chávez-Berreno
Institution: Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology (United States of America)

2nd Place: Solid waste monitoring through IoT technologies and MatLab
Authors – SASIM+: Karla Lisette Antonio Pérez, Fernando Sebastián Castro Ovalle, and Contreras González, Dante Antonio García Rosales
Institution: University of Monterrey (Mexico)

3rd Place: Low consumption IoT water quality station for Lake Yojoa
AuthorsElectroGallos: Fernando Alacon, and Owen Paz
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana – UNITEC (Honduras)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Student Competition (E&I23) – LEIRD 2023 (Dec)

1st Place: Low-cost and economical assistive device for people with visual disabilities in Arequipa
Authors: Caytuiro Silva, Nicolás Esleyder; Peña Alejandro, Jackeline Melady
Institution: Universidad Católica de Santa Maria (Peru)

2nd Place: Application that allows generating early alerts of mental health problems
Authors: Teheran Vargas, Isabella Andrea
Institution: Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar (Colombia)

Authors: Estela Becerra, Angie Melissa; Arrunategui Ayala, Rut Marycielo; Castillo Mosquera, Pierina Ailen; Flores Barreno, Karla Elvira
Institution: Universidad de San Martin de Porres (Peru)


1st Place: Recycling and Circular Economy Platform
Authors: Lautaro Figueredo
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Delta – UTN (Argentina)

2nd Place: Biosensor and Algorithm Design to Detect and Predict Alzheimer’s
Authors: Isabel Agreda
Institution: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas – UPC (Peru)

3rd Place: ODS Sports Engineering with ODS and Sports
Authors: Victoria Ojeda
Institution: Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Delta – UTN (Argentina)

Honorable mentions:: Optimization of the Royalty Project Management Tool
Authors: Edwin Arevalo
Institution: Politécnico Grancolombiano (Colombia)

Honorable mentions:: Efficiency Strategies in Tamale Production
Authors: Nicole Buitrago
Institution: Politécnico Grancolombiano (Colombia)
