Nominations for the 2024 Elections

Call for Nominations for the 2024 Elections of LACCEI Officers for 2025

Every year LACCEI members elect the group of dedicated officers to lead the organization. Respectfully, we recognize the officers’ efforts, leadership, and commitment to the advancement of LACCEI initiatives. A special recognition goes to our current 2024 Executive Board Members that are completing their terms: Their legacies are reflected in the success of our initiates. To all of them, our sincere gratitude.

LACCEI Executive Board of Directors announces it is accepting nominations for candidates to serve as Executive Board Members committed to carrying the mission of LACCEI for the term 2024-2024.

“The mission of LACCEI is to be the leading organization of Latin American and Caribbean engineering institutions that will bring innovations in engineering education and research, and emerge as a major force in this hemisphere to foster partnerships among academia, industry, government and private organizations for the benefit of the society and the nations.”


  • All member institutions are invited to submit names for consideration. Join LACCEI today and submit your nomination. 
  • Individuals can be nominated by their University, by another LACCEI member or self-nominated. 
  • All nominations must be submitted by June 17, 2024, 5:00 Noon (EDT) to be considered. 
  • Candidates must be available to attend the General Assembly and the Board of Directors In July 2024, during the 22st LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology.
  • Board Member positions are assigned for a one-year or two-year term as indicated.
  • All candidates must send the following to before June 26: Photo, CV, Project for the position you want, and, What have you done with LACCEI?


  1. Represent LACCEI and lead any representation of the Corporation in any act in which it participates.
  2. Preside and direct the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors of LACCEI.
  3. Call the meetings of the Board of Directors as established in the internal manual.
  4. Ensure compliance with BYLAWS and the internal manual throughout the organization.
  5. Sign the official correspondence and the minutes together with the Executive Director.
  6. Enforce the agreements adopted in the General Assembly and by the Board of Directors.
  7. When deemed appropriate, the President may delegate functions to another member of the Board.
  8. Propose or revise the Strategic Plan and the annual Work Plan for approval by the Board of Directors.


  1. Supervise the fiscal and financial aspects of the Corporation.
  2. Act, together with the Executive Director, regarding the economic interests of the Corporation and the management of its funds.
  3. Recommend the budget, balance and statements of accounts that are presented for approval by the Board of Directors.
  4. Make recommendations that contribute to the effectiveness of the corporation.
  5. Carry out other functions of the position in similar organizations and those entrusted by the Board of Directors or the President.


  1. Propose to the Board of Directors and implement, after approval, a plan of activities that contribute to increasing the membership of the Consortium.
  2. Promote the formation of regional or national Chapters, maintaining communication between them and the Board of Directors.
  3. Carry out other functions entrusted by the Board of Directors or the President.

Nomination Form

Available Positions

President – 1 year term
VP of Finance – 2 years term
VP of Membership – 2 years term

Nominee Information

Nominator Information


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