Dr. Jose Carlos Quadrado
Awarded 2014 LACCEI Academic Merit Medal on 2014
LACCEI has awarded the Medal of Merit Scholar LACCEI 2014 to Dr. Jose Carlos Quadrado for outstanding achievement and impact to Engineering Education in the Americas.
José Carlos Quadrado was born on May 16, 1968, in Lisbon, Portugal. Innovative, good communicator and experienced president of engineering institute and international leader in engineering education worldwide, he holds a full professorship position with tenure on electrical machines in the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), one of the leading and the oldest reference-engineering public institutes in Portugal. He has a BSc in Energy and Power Systems (1989), a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering, Automation and Industrial Electronics from ISEL (1991), a MSc (1994) and a Doctor degree (2000) in Electrical Engineering and Computers from Lisbon Technical University (UTL). He also holds the Habilitation degree (Aggregation) in Electrical Engineering (2007) from Beira Interior University (UBI). Holds the position of president of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and the position of immediate-past president of the Ibero-American Engineering Education Association (ASIBEI), and immediate vice-president of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).
Being a former National Bologna Expert Group member he leads the Portuguese Observatory on Strategic Management Best Practices as well as the National Association of Engineering Deans. Senior member of several engineering societies and engineering education societies in several continents, he is also a visiting professor in many universities around the world. Currently he is also the president of a research and project center on electrical machines control and applications (CIPROMEC) and is member of the board of a high tech development company (LÓGICA).
He holds over 100 international publications (including journals and chapters of books), several patents and some international technical prizes and scholarships, and also occupied the position of editor and editor-in-chief in some journals. Up to now he has also developed several international engineering education projects as well as some engineering projects in the fields of renewable energy, fuel cells, electrical vehicles and intelligent control.