Eng. Roberto Giordano Lerena
The 2020 LACCEI Academic Merit Medalist
Systems Engineer from the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires and Specialist in Technology and Innovation Management from the National University of Mar del Plata. PhD student in Science and Technology from the National University of Cuyo.
Dean and Full Professor of the Faculty of Engineering of the FASTA University and Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Mar del Plata.
Secretary of Inter-institutional and International Relations of the Federal Council of Deans of Engineering of Argentina (CONFEDI) and Vice President of the Ibero-American Association of Engineering Teaching Institutions (ASIBEI).
He has been President, Vice President, Secretary General and member of the New Standards, Teaching, Accreditation, and Science and Technology commissions of the Federal Council of Deans of Engineering of Argentina (CONFEDI).
He has been part of the Commission of the Red Book of Second Generation of Standards for Engineering Careers (2018), the Committee of the Quality Criteria for the ARCU-SUR Accreditation of Engineering Careers. He was the Argentinian delegate at the Permanent Committee of Engineering Education of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations – WFEO between 2011 and 2018.
He was Coordinator of the Commission for Accreditation of Technological and Social Development Projects in Agricultural Sciences, Engineering and Materials of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Nation, between 2014 and 2019, and Consultant of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of the Argentine Republic CONICET.
He has 4 chapters of books. He has been editor of four other books and has more than 110 works published in scientific magazines, journals and conference proceedings in 13 countries.
He has obtained 22 national and international awards and recognitions. Among them, the ASIBEI Ibero-American Academic Merit Distinction, the OAS Award for Best Effort for Transparency in Public Management (2019), the Award for Excellence in Electronic Government in Latin America and the Caribbean, and he has won twice the National Award of Electronic Government of the Argentine Republic.
He was Founding Director of the Argentine Engineering Magazine and is a member of the editorial committee of 4 scientific magazines. He was Founding President of the Ibero-American Network of Universities and Institutes in Law and Informatics, Founding Member of the University Network of Embedded Systems, Founding Member of the University Network of Forensic Informatics and Founding Member of the Association of Information Technology and Communication of Mar del Plata. He has also been distinguished as a life partner of the Sociedad Argentina de Informática.