Mr. Paulino Alonso RivasAwarded 2008 LACCEI Academic Merit Medal
Mr. Paulino Alonso Rivas is an electrical engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He recieved his master’s degree in Civil Electrical Engineering from the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, he won a LASPAU (Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities) obtaining a master of science in electrical and computer engineering from the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. in the year 1972 he joined the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso(PUCV), as a full professor in the school of electrical engineering teaching the courses of potent electrical systems, electrical machinery, seminars and crediting projects among others. In the administrative area, he served as the academic secretary, and chief of research. he was chosen director of the school for two consecutive three-year terms, 1984 to 1990, and then three consecutive three-year terms (1993-2002). In 2002 he was named dean by the members of the faculty of engineering, and was chosen again in 2005 until today. In the year 1990, he was Professor of the christian brothers University, in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.
Nationally, he has occupied different positions: VP of the Directors of Electrical Engineering from the Chilean Universities, President of the Council of Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Chile (CONDEFI), Director of the Board of Directors of the Television Corporation (PUCV). Internationally, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Engineering Faculties of Universities and Superior Technological Institutes of MERCOSUR. He has worked towards strengthening the development of competitions among students and has promoted the implementation of curricula innovations in engineering; he has also worked in institutional accreditation as well as career accreditation. He has promoted Continuing Educations Programs. He has proposed new programs in graduate work and has consolidated the ones already existing in his faculty with the c corresponding accreditation. He has promoted new lines of field research in the Faculty of Engineering, such as Re-newable Energy Sources through the creation of the Center of Energy within the Faculty of Engineering.