Dr. Luiz Carlos Scavarda do Carmo
Awarded 2007 LACCEI Academic Merit Medal
Dr. Luiz Carlos Scavarda do Carmo received his title of Telecommunications Engineer in 1967 from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio and subsequently received his Master and finally the Doctor Degree in Physics, in 1976, from the same Institution. Since 1976, as a Professor in PUC-Rio, he has published more than 100 articles with his students and coworkers around the world and started an outreach program for diffusing the Engineering Profession in the High School. In the 90’s he served as Dean of Engineering in PUC-Rio, period when he participated actively in a process of Engineering Education reform in Brazil. During the last 10 years he has organized four international conferences on Engineering, particularly aiming to foster the internationalization of Engineering Education. Presently he is a full Professor of PUC-Rio and is a member of the Pan-American Academy of Engineering. He serves now as vice-President for Administrative affairs of PUC-Rio and is studying mechanisms for auto sufficiency of private research universities in Latin America which contributes to innovation and entrepreneurial development. He is now a founder member of the INOVA program of modernization of Engineering in Brazil, a program backed by the Brazilian Industry, Government, Civil Associations and several Schools of Engineering. He is now also and active member of the OAS supported program “Engineering for the Americas” which aims to provide high level workforce for the technology based sustainable development of the Hemisphere of the Americas.