Dr. Rafael Rangel Sostmann
Awarded 2004 LACCEI Academic Merit Medal
Doctor Rafael Rangel Sostmann, received his title of Electromechanical Engineer in 1975 from the Tecnológico de Monterrey and subsequently obtained a Master of Mechanical Engineering and a Doctorate of Engineering from the University of Wisconsin. Since 1985 he has been the Rector of the Sistema Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he impulsed important programs such as Professional Development for Professors, the Centers for Environmental Research and Strategic Studies, the Internationalization of the Institute, the Virtual University, the Tec Millenium University System, all this to form capable professionals in many areas of study and particularly in the Engineering Sciences. During this time, with dedication and perseverance he has strengthened, perfected and developed the currículum of the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey – Mexico, for the scientific, technical and humanist formation of engineers, leaders of society and the exercise of this noble profession.
Rafael Rangel has promoted research at Tecnológico de Monterrey in biotechnology, health sciences, mechatronics, and information and electronic technologies, considered strategic for, moving the country into the new knowledge economy. In addition, he has created a broad network of 32 incubators on Tecnológico de Monterrey campuses to generate high- and intermediate-tech companies to help satisfy the demand for new jobs that the country faces. He also founded the Institute for Sustainable Development and a network of 1,200 Community Learning Centers offering educational and entrepreneurship programs to both the general community and the rural sector.