The LACCEI Standing Committee on Prospective and Future Studies aims to generate prospective learning spaces and lead applications for future studies on the various fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in order to serve as input for new research topics, areas, cycles, innovative curricula and projects that influence Engineering programs, academics and researchers. As a starting point in this committee, new studies are being promoted in other areas of Engineering such as: nanotechnology, aerospace, textile, electronics, electrical, mechanical, converging technologies, key enabling technologies – KETs and agroindustrial engineering in sectors such as: Cocoa, Avocado, Banana, Blackberry, Specialty coffee, Citrus, Leather, Cold climate fruit, Dairy, Banana, forestry, vegetables, pork and meat, among others.
The LACCEI Standing Committee on Prospective and Future Studies has the purpose of generating international collaboration initiatives among researchers that are part of LACCEI member institutions, generating studies that impact the teaching of Engineering in all its areas and can inspire related stakeholders with engineering for new challenges, research bets, ventures and projects, as well as for its transfer activities.
Prospective studies become an important input for both Engineering and all fields of Science, Technology and Innovation, there are numerous applications at the level of countries, regions, sectors and organizations; Engineering faculties and programs have not been aliened to prospective studies.
The Standing Committee supported the development of sessions and workshops, as well as the management of a line of research on issues in the International Conference on Engineering, Education and Technology.
Founding Members
Jhon Wilder Zartha Sossa, Ph.D. | Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana | CO |
María Larrondo Petrie, Ph.D. | Florida Atlantic University | US |
Carlos Peralta Delgado, Ph.D. (QEPD) | Asesor Científico | PE |
Jorge Augusto Montoya Arango, Ph.D. | Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira | CO |
Diego Hernando Florez, Ph.D. | Agrosavia | CO |
Marcelo Chacana, Ph.D. | Universidad Santo Tomás | CL |
Juan Manuel Montes, Ph.D. | Asesor científico | CO |
Within the framework of the SGR General Royalty System project “MEJORAMIENTO DE CAPACIDADES DE CTeI EN LAS CADENAS AGROINDUSTRIALES DE PLÁTANO, LÁCTEOS, CAFÉS ESPECIALES, FRUTALES DE CLIMA FRÍO, CÍTRICOS Y CUERO, MEDIANTE PROSPECTIVA TECNOLÓGICA, TECNOLOGÍAS CONVERGENTES Y MODELOS DE INNOVACIÓN EN EL QUINDÍO” project led by the Alexander Von Humboldt Business University Corporation (Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander Von Humboldt – CUE) and the Chamber of Commerce for Armenia and Quindío, we are carrying out the first Delphi round in order to identify issues/technologies/innovations/new business models in the 6 agro-industrial chains:
- 1st round Delphi Cafés Especiales:
- 1st round Delphi Cítricos:
- 1st round Delphi Delphi Cuero:
- 1st round Delphi Frutales de Clima Frío:
- 1st round Delphi Lácteos:
- 1st round Delphi Plátano:
Delphi studies are currently underway through 2036 on “future jobs”, “Innovative Curricula”, “Converging Technologies and Key Enabling Technologies KET’s”
Important documents
- 2018. Methods and Techniques in Studies Related to the Delphi Method, Innovation Strategy, and Innovation Management Model.pdf
- 2019. Propuesta de Árbol Temático y Tecnológico sobre la Ingeniería Agroindustrial como Herramienta para un Estudio de Prospectiva.pdf
- 2020. Delphi Method in Emerging Technologies.pdf
- 2020. Estudio de prospectiva al 2032 de la cadena de plátano, un enfoque hacia los programas académicos del sector agroindustrial.pdf
- 2020. Estudio de prospectiva del sector cacao al año 2032 como base de programas de capacitación universitaria en el sector agroindustrial.pdf
- 2020. Scenarios and the Delphi Method -A Perspective from the Contributions of North American Authors.pdf
- 2021. La Cadena Productiva de Mora en el Departamento Risaralda en el Marco de un Estudio de Prospectiva a 2032.pdf
- 2023. Prospective of Agroindustrial Engineering in Ibero-America to 2035 Application of the scenario methodology and the Delphi method.pdf
- Foresight by scenarios a literature review.pdf
- Innovations and trends in the coconut agroindustry supply.pdf
Be a member of the committee
Please complete the web form, click here.
Coordinator / Contact
Coordinator: Jhon Wilder Zartha Sossa, Ph.D.
If you wish to participate, please contact to send a direct invitation by email.

Contact LACCEI: (English) (Español)