Candidates for 2025

Elections of LACCEI Officers for 2024-2025

Every year LACCEI members elect the group of dedicated officers to lead the organization. Respectfully, we recognize the officers’ efforts, leadership, and commitment to the advancement of LACCEI initiatives. A special recognition goes to our current 2024 Executive Board Members that are completing their terms: Their legacies are reflected in the success of our initiates. To all of them our sincere gratitude.

LACCEI Executive Board of Directors announces it is accepting nominations for candidates to serve as Executive Board Members committed to carrying the mission of LACCEI for the term 2025-2026.

“The mission of LACCEI is to facilitate and promote global collaboration in the advancement and continuous improvement of engineering and technology education, practice, research, and innovation linking Latin America and the Caribbean to the rest of the world.


  • All member institutions are invited to submit names for consideration. Join LACCEI today and submit your nomination.
  • Individuals can be nominated by their University, by another LACCEI member or self-nominated.
  • All nominations must be submitted by June 17, 2024, 5:00 Noon (EDT) to be considered.
  • Candidates must be available to attend the General Assembly on July 2024, and the Board of Directors meeting on July 2024, during the 22nd LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology Hybrid Edition.
  • Board Member positions are assigned for a one-year or two-year term as indicated.


Renetta Garrison Tull is: Biography

President 2025 (1 year term)

University of California (US) Council of Vice Chancellors for Equity and Inclusion (Chair)

Functions of The President:

  • Represent LACCEI and lead any representation of the Corporation in any act in which it participates.
  • Preside and direct the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors of LACCEI.
  • Call the meetings of the Board of Directors as established in the internal manual.
  • Ensure compliance with BYLAWS and the internal manual throughout the organization.
  • Sign the official correspondence and the minutes together with the Executive Director.
  • Enforce the agreements adopted in the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
  • When deemed appropriate, the President may delegate functions to another member of the Board.
  • Propose or revise the Strategic Plan and the annual Work Plan for approval by the Board of Directors.

Proposal for the Presidency of LACCEI (more info: click here):

  1. Uphold the representation and reputation of LACCEI and be a good steward of its history, and the people that LACCEI represents and serves broadly.
  2. Adhere to the expected responsibilities of the presidency which connect to the business of linking Latin America and the Caribbean to the rest of the world, particularly within engineering contexts and
  3. Continue the legacy of LACCEI to make sure that it has value for its members
  4. Continue connections to engineering organizations that represent countries and regions
  5. Continue support of mentoring collaborations and advancement for groups that have been historically underserved through organizations and initiatives such as SPEED and Matilda
  6. Ensure that the organization is represented well within the global engineering community, including the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and the Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC), as well as global organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
  7. Focus on the work of the OAS’ Engineering for the Americas (EftA)” action plan, and build LACCEI’s “Connecting Engineering for The Americas” (CETA) Initiative.
  8. Share LACCEI with various organizations that can have connections to the diaspora of Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), and the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE).
  9. Appreciate and invite engineering students, professors, and professionals from the diaspora represented by Latin and the Caribbean to engage with LACCEI.

Luis Fernando Martinez-Arconada: Biography

Vice President of Finance (2 year term)

ENIT, France

Functions of The VP of Finance:

  • Supervise the fiscal and financial aspects of the Corporation.
  • Act, together with the Executive Director, regarding the economic interests of the Corporation and the management of its funds.
  • Recommend the budget, balance and statements of accounts that are presented for approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Make recommendations that contribute to the effectiveness of the corporation.
  • Carry out other functions of the position in similar organizations and those entrusted by the Board of Directors or the President.

Relationship with LACCEI: click here.

Marylin Arias: Biography

VP of Membership (2 year term)

Universidad Latina, Costa Rica

Functions of The VP of Membership:

  • Propose to the Board of Directors and implement, after approval, a plan of activities that contribute to increasing the membership of the Consortium.
  • Promote the formation of regional or national Chapters, maintaining communication between them and the Board of Directors.
  • Carry out other functions entrusted by the Board of Directors or the President.

Proposal for The VP of Membership:

  1. Address new memberships more effectively, working with university networks.
  2. Connection with all members for multi-conferences.
  3. Coordinate the Council of Deans of Costa Rica and Central America and the Caribbean

Kavian Omar Cooke: Biography

VP of Membership (2 year term)

The University of Bradford, UK

Functions of The VP of Membership:

  • Propose to the Board of Directors and implement, after approval, a plan of activities that contribute to increasing the membership of the Consortium.
  • Promote the formation of regional or national Chapters, maintaining communication between them and the Board of Directors.
  • Carry out other functions entrusted by the Board of Directors or the President.

Proposal for The VP of Membership (more info: click here):

  1. Increase active institutional membership by 20% within a 2-year timeframe.
  2. Grow membership by 10% within a 2-year timeframe.
  3. Enhance the value proposition of LACCEI membership for engineering institutions.
