The OAS Summit of Engineering for the Americas (EftA)
Plenary Panel – Wednesday July 19, 2023.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (GMT -3, Buenos Aires Time)
“Imperativos de ética, transparencia y acceso a datos públicos en los procesos de transformación en investigación, innovación y tecnología”
En la última década, las aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) se han desarrollado exponencialmente en múltiples sectores —como salud, finanzas, transporte, educación y reclutamiento, entre otros. La velocidad con la cual se han desarrolladas algunas de estas aplicaciones, combinada a una falta de bases de datos desglosados por género, y una de las tasas más bajas de empleo de las mujeres en este sector (78% de los profesionales de IA son hombres), han resultado en un sesgo de género y una reproducción de los estereotipos y normas sociales discriminatorias existentes en los productos de IA. Ejemplos incluyen sistemas que no reconocen voces agudas o rostros femeninos, dificultades para las mujeres acceder a ciertos trabajos u obtener préstamos al investigar automáticamente sus solicitudes, y la asociación sistemática de las mujeres al trabajo doméstico asalariado o al cuidado infantil. Este panel busca analizar los procesos de IA desde una perspectiva de género y explorar soluciones para la generación de datos y algoritmos más inclusivos y representativos.

Aryanne Quintal.
Science and Technology Specialist, Department of Economic Development, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, OAS.

Germán Stalker.
Coordinator of the National Science and Justice Program.
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET)
Plenary Panel – Thursday July 20, 2023.
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (GMT -3: Buenos Aires Time)
“Green Technologies and Sustainable Solutions to help address and mitigate Climate Change Impacts in the Americas”
As the world grapples with the growing socio-economic impacts of Climate Change, many companies and businesses are scaling up their investments and research activities to reduce the carbon footprints of their operations, supply chains and resource usage. Similarly, governments and international organizations are taking action to encourage and support the adoption of public policies – as well as increased funding – to incentivize the development and use of green technologies in the hopes of reaching Net Zero by 2050.
Examples of Green Technologies and solutions include, among others: burning landfill to generate electricity (biomass, bioeconomy); recycling wastewater to make it drinkable (or clean enough for other purposes); using energy-efficient lighting and other technological devices to conserve natural resources and reduce environmental impact, etc. In short, Green technology helps humanity become more efficient with resources, which can often translates into savings in terms of energy, water, earth, fossil fuels and more – but also significant savings in terms of cost and time. The tendency has become so big that last year alone, global investment in clean energy surpassed $1 trillion—for the first time matching the amount invested in fossil fuels.
This panel will explore the current challenges and opportunities of green and clean technologies for the social and economic development of the Americas, as well as other innovative solutions to tackle climate change imperatives in the region.

Aryanne Quintal.
Science and Technology Specialist, Department of Economic Development, Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, OAS.

Ana Stewart.
Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).

Jorge Vanegas.
Research Professor, Director of the Institute for Sustainable Communities at Texas A&M University (TAMU), Former President of the Pan American Academy of Engineering (API).