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Caracterización de la población de estudiantes mujeres en los programas de Ingeniería en Colombia: inscripción, admisión, matrícula y graduación (#640)

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Date of Conference

December 4-6, 2023

Published In

"Igniting the Spark of Innovation: Emerging Trends, Disruptive Technologies, and Innovative Models for Business Success"

Location of Conference



Hernández-Leal, Emilcy Juliana

Gasca-Hurtado, Gloria Piedad

Higuita Agudelo, Daniela


The gender gap in Engineering is a relevant global issue. Evidence of this relevance is the dedication to a sustainable development objective, motivating the generation of global strategies to reduce it. In STEM programs, specifically, this gap is even more critical. One of the difficulties encountered when trying to address this issue of the gender gap in areas such as Engineering is the definition of the baseline and the proposal of basic exploratory studies to define strategies for the inclusion of women in science and engineering. Studies characterizing the evolution and current state of the population of female students in engineering programs in Colombia can be an interesting starting point to address gender gap issues in this region of the world. Therefore, the objective of this work is to generate a baseline of the population of female students in terms of inscription, admission, enrollment, and graduation in Engineering programs in Colombia for the period 2014-2022 based on the application of a methodology of descriptive and applied statistics and present an initial literature search to publicize the state of scientific production about strategies for the inclusion of women in science and engineering, from which, among other aspects, the marked increase in production was identified since 2020, with 2021 being the most active year and countries such as the US and Canada with the highest report, highlighting Brazil at the South American level.

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