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Universities as Drivers of Social Change: Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Future (#412)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Pérez Najera, Celín

Sime Marques, Alcibíades

López Cuadra, Yelka Martina

Tuesta Torres, Edgar Roland

Guerrero Vílchez, Ricardo Antonio

Pérez Barboza, Rodolfo Gustavo

Correa Rojas, Liliana


This scientific article addressed the transformative role of universities as drivers of social change and sustainable progress through innovation and entrepreneurship. The methodology employed consisted of a literature review of recent publications on university initiatives in this area. The results revealed a growing trend towards the integration of environmental and social sustainability into academic programs and community outreach activities. In addition, the formation of strategic alliances between universities, companies and social organizations was highlighted as a key factor. Among the key recommendations to enhance sustainable innovation from the University Innovation Centers, emphasis was placed on the need to integrate ethics and sustainability into the curriculum, establish collaborative spaces for the development of solutions, implement mentoring and foster an entrepreneurial culture. Therefore, it was concluded by underlining the prominent role of universities in the formation of socially responsible leaders and the promotion of the common good.

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