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Methodological proposal for a volunteer program with a social responsibility approach at a public university in Peru (#1253)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Martinez Huamán, Samuel Honorio

Montoya, José Cerna

Bellido Valdiviezo, Omar

Canchari Preciado, Miguel Angel

Gutiérrez Ulloa, Cristian Raymound

García Salirrosas, Liz Maribel

Romero Patricio, Ruben Orlando


This study proposes a design for a University Volunteer Program (PVU) with a focus on University Social Responsibility (RSU) in a public university in Peru. For this, a qualitative methodology based on the systematic review of scientific literature was used, selecting publications from the Scopus database. Initially, 94 documents were identified; however, after applying eligibility criteria, the number was reduced to 23 publications relevant and specific to the study topic. These documents served as the basis for analyzing and identifying the main trends, challenges, opportunities and proposals in the field of USR. The results show that the majority of Peruvian universities are adopting USR initiatives to train professionals and citizens with critical social and environmental awareness, ethically committed to socio-environmental issues. In addition, these institutions promote the culture of volunteering and encourage the active participation of the university community in projects that benefit society. Based on this analysis, a design for a USP is proposed that includes four phases of intervention: Contact and integration with the community, development of critical reflection and concrete praxis, autonomy and monitoring and evaluation and systematization. In this context, it is relevant that academic institutions continue promoting and strengthening university volunteer programs (UVP) through a holistic approach, with the purpose of stimulating the active involvement of the university community in social responsibility initiatives. In this way, it will significantly contribute to sustainable progress and the improvement of social well-being.

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