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Date of Conference

July 19-21, 2023

Published In

"Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development"

Location of Conference

Buenos Aires


Gonzalez Garcia, Lucero Esmeralda

Valverde Sánchez, María José

Sagástegui Cruz, Julia Otilia

Del Castillo Sagastegui, Mariano José


The general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and job satisfaction in the marketing company of CALZADOS MARISOL S.A.C. in the city of Trujillo, 2022. It had a descriptive and correlational methodology, as validated instruments, a questionnaire was used, for data analysis the Central Tendency, Dispersion and Shape Measures were used. In addition, it was carried out with Excel and SPSS V.27 for data processing. The sample is 38 collaborators. The main result was obtained in the analysis of the Pearson correlation coefficient of Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Satisfaction takes a value of 0.716, so there is a direct and determining relationship between the variables analyzed, by a 99% significant test. trusted. And it is concluded that it is advisable to strengthen CSR in the company since from what has been studied it is proven that it will bring future joys for the company. Likewise, the economic references such as bonuses, incentives, gratuities, as well as the faithful fulfillment of the payments on the dates stipulated in their contracts; directly infers the job satisfaction of the company's employees; as long as it does not affect the lasting profitability of the organization over time.

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