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Mechanical device for fruits and vegetables transportation

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


González-Serrud, Sergio

Montes, Edward

Figueroa, Salvador

Marín, Nacarí


In Panama, the process of transportation and storage of fruits and vegetables is done in a rudimentary manner, and in most cases the occupational health of workers is affected. Therefore, it is imperative the construction of a device that allows to transport, store and protect the fruits and vegetables in the field in a safe way, which in turn considers the occupational health of those who operate it. In order to carry out this research, information was collected through five surveys of agriculture workers in the Azuero Peninsula, Panama. The surveys were about the process of transporting and storing fruits and vegetables, as well as the experience of the farmers in this difficult task. The main objective of this research is to present a design and prototype of a mechanical device for transport and storage, which in turn provides safety for the fruits, vegetables and farmers. The results of the surveys show that the products suffer damage during transportation and storage, due to physical fatigue of workers and lack of a device that fulfills the functions required by the farmer. The results of this research showed that a device with these characteristics is important in our farmlands at a national level. The line of research is left opened for the construction of more prototypes for the benefit of fruits and vegetables transportation.

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