July 25 - 26, 2012, Panamá City, Panamá, Central America


Eduardo B. Fernandez, PhD Florida Atlantic University USA
Sergio Mujica, PhD Universidad SantoTomas Chile


Ademar Aguiar, PhDUniversidad Do Porto, Portugal
Rossana AndradeUniversidade Federal Do Ceara, Brazil
Hernan Astudillo, PhDUniversidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Paris Avgeriou, PhDUniversity of Groningen, Nederlands
Rosana Braga, PhDUniversity of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Daniel Manuel Campos Domínguez, MSUniversidad Andrés Bello, Chile
Yadran Eterovic, PhDUniversidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Eduardo Fernández-Medina, PhDUniversidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
Kiran Kumar, MSIndian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Antonio Maña, PhDUniversidad de Málaga, Spain
Sergio Ochoa, PhDUniversidad de Chile, Chile
Jorge L. Ortega, PhDUniversidad Autónoma, México
Yanchun Sun, PhDPeking University, China
Joseph W. Yoder, MSThe Refactory, Inc & The Hillside Group, USA
Nobukazu Yoshioka, PhDNational Institute of Informatics, Japan


The Hillside Group promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages to record, analyze, and improve software and its development. The Symposium will start with a software patterns bootcamp by Joseph Yoder, who will also give a keynote talk. ISSAP includes two sessions of refereed papers on Software Architecture papers (acceptance rate 54%), and two sessions of Software patterns. The bootcamp is intended for those who have never written a pattern, to show good ways to write them. The acceptance rate is 66.7% (10/15 papers)

Software Patterns Bootcamp Download presentation here
Lead by Joseph Yoder, The Refactory, Inc & The Hillside Group, USA

Shepherded Papers on Software Architecture
(Reviewed and shepherded by one member of the Technical Committee)

  • Cloud Infrastructure pattern. TP#001
  •     Keiko Hashizume (Florida Atlantic University), Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University), Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie (Florida Atlantic University)
  • Security patterns for intrusion detection. TP#010
  •     Ajoy Kumar (Florida Atlantic University), Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University)
  • A pattern for the Secure Shell protocol. TP#009
  •     Keiko Hashizume (Florida Atlantic University), Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University), Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie (Florida Atlantic University)
  • The Secure MVC pattern. TP#008
  •     Nelly Delessy-Gassant (Grambling State University), Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University)

    Referees Papers on Software Patterns
    (Double blind review by three members of the Technical Committee)

  • Should we use tactics or patterns to build secure systems? TP#015
  •     Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University), Hernan Astudillo (U.T.F. Santa Maria)
  • Failure patterns: A new way to analyze failures. TP#007
  •     Ingrid Buckley (Florida Atlantic University), Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University)
  • Incorporacion del patron Trazador en una aplicacion de web. TP#012
  •     Beatriz Arbelaez (Universidad Sergio Arboleda)
  • Modelo de arquitectura para B-Learning con utilizacion de patrones. TP#0014
  •     David L. La Red Martinez (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste), Julio C. Acosta (UNNE), Agostini Federico (UNNE)
  • Arquitectura de software para la construccion de cursos virtuales a traves de la integracion de objectos de aprendizaje basados en servicios web. TP#016
  •     Mauricio Rojas C. (Universidad de Pamplona), Jonas Montilva (Universidad de los Andes)
  • Arquitectura de software ejecutivo en tiempo real mutitarea para sistemas embedidos basada en maquinas de estados finitos.TP#011
  •     Gabriel Rivas (Universidad Tecnologica de Panama)