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Metric properties of the translation and adaptation to English of the IMFYU scale for measuring the functionality and usability of commercial software (#403)

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Date of Conference

December 4-6, 2023

Published In

"Igniting the Spark of Innovation: Emerging Trends, Disruptive Technologies, and Innovative Models for Business Success"

Location of Conference



Fernández-Bedoya, Víctor Hugo

Minchán-Martínez, Myrian Mabel

Suyo-Vega, Josefina Amanda

Meneses-La-Riva, Monica Elisa

Gago-Chávez, Johanna De Jesús Stephanie


The global pandemic caused by the emergence of the COVID-19 virus prompted governments to take stringent measures to protect citizens. One widely declared measure was a social or legal lockdown, which resulted in long periods of quarantine and the migration of activities to the virtual environment where possible. Many companies began to use different software for the first time, for example commercial software. In Peru, a scale that measures the functionality and usability of commercial software already existed, but it was in Spanish and published in a local open access journal. In this study, the original instrument was taken, translated into English and applied to a sample of 30 subjects to measure its metric properties for future analysis. The results of validity, reliability, model fit and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the instrument is suitable for application. We recommend to other researchers to use it in other contexts in order to obtain relevant data that allows discussion and refinement of the instruments

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