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Research for the production of antibacterial liquid soap in the production unit

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Date of Conference

December 6-7, 2022

Published In

“Exponential Technologies and Global Challenges: Moving toward a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development”

Location of Conference

Virtual Edition


Porras Hernandez, Santiago

Quintero, Cesar


Within the personal hygiene of each individual, antibacterial soap stands out, since it is a product that allows keeping the hands clean in case at a certain moment there is no opportunity for an additional deep hand washing, according to its chemical composition, this allows to evade to a greater extent the bacteria that can be contracted. In accordance with the above, a business opportunity has been identified through the production and subsequent commercialization of antibacterial liquid soap, since the university has a production unit that allows access to resources with equipment, tools and supplies to carry out a production process that has become indispensable for each person and inevitable in any place. In the research that will be developed, it is intended to carry out an in-depth study of the production of antibacterial liquid soap, taking into account the appropriate manufacturing for it, the different techniques that exist and how production processes can be improved, an example of this is the 5S methodology. In the 5S methodology, order and cleanliness is apparently an easy task to perform, however, in some organizations carrying out this is a difficult activity, which is why this methodology promotes work based on cleaning in order to generate discipline in the members of the organization, since with this the problems of dirt and disorder are reduced. The 5S are mentioned below: Seiri (Select), Seiton (Order), Seiso (Clean), Seiketsu (Standardize), Shitsuke (Discipline). The foregoing relates a process that goes from selecting a suitable work space, ordering it, cleaning and inspecting the place to avoid confusion and easily identify the elements, standardizing the procedure to preserve it and keep track of what has been done and finally, having discipline. to ensure continuous improvement in the work environment. Based on the above, the first visits to the Production Unit were made at the beginning of this year, finding several irregularities such as; chemical spill, elements in places that do not correspond, absence of first aid kit, there was no trained personnel and there were no evidence of strategies to mitigate risks. Additionally, from the engineering point of view, it was found that, during this type of operations, different chemical reactions can occur that are associated with a series of dangers, so it is important to carry out training on proper handling to avoid adverse effects. Also, use protective equipment and key elements such as test tubes, pipettes, funnels, beakers, cylinders, etc. and finally, know the technical data sheets of the products to know what properties they have and what care they require.

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