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Date of Conference

December 6-7, 2022

Published In

“Exponential Technologies and Global Challenges: Moving toward a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development”

Location of Conference

Virtual Edition


Villafana Mego, Inés Cristina

Villafana Mego, Inés Cristina

Villafana Mego, Inés Cristina

Villafana, Inés


You have decided to undertake with the start-up of a company oriented to the textile sector of cotton polo shirts and jumpers located in Lima, Peru. The polo shirts and jumpers are made with cotton Tangüis (the best cotton in the world and one of the most valued worldwide). As it is a company with some years in the process of consolidation in the market, it does not yet have subsidiaries elsewhere. The tangüis cotton polo shirts and jumpers made in Peru are aimed by people who like to practice sports. The company is gradually positioning itself by making its quality products known and their acceptance by the target market. The competition in the textile sector is also analyzing the strategy for his positioning in the market. This case explores the manufacturing process of the cotton polo shirts and jumpers, from demand forecast estimation, forecast control, determination of the required and available capacity of workers and machines for the process of production, aggregate planning of the labor force required for the manufacture of the polo shirts and jumpers, the respective master production schedule and the disaggregation of material requirements with the calculation of the corresponding lead times. Finally, there are considered some questions related to the projection for the following year.

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