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Negative effects of mining conflicts on the Amazon ecosystem. Amazonian Ecosystem. A systematic review between the years 2012-2022

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Date of Conference

December 6-7, 2022

Published In

“Exponential Technologies and Global Challenges: Moving toward a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development”

Location of Conference

Virtual Edition


Cabanillas Briceño, Celydey Lizeth

Polo Sanchez, Jackelin

Luján Rojas, Jessica Marleny Luján Rojas

Valderrama Puscan, Marlon Walter

Llaque Fernández, Grant Ilich

Calvanapón Alva, Flor Alicia


Currently, mining conflicts in Amazonian ecosystems cause negative impacts on biodiversity and society. Therefore, this review aimed to describe the way in which mining conflicts affect ecosystems and was developed under the PRISMA methodology approach, which is based on the identification, selection and evaluation of studies related to the topic. We worked with databases such as Dialnet, EBSCOhost, IOPscience, ProQuest, SciELO, ScienceDirect, SCOPUS, SpringerLink, ResearchGate, Repository - TDX, Taylor and Francis Group and Wiley Online Library; the research was selected based on inclusion criteria such as period, language and relationship with the study variables and that it contains IMRD structure. It was determined that informal mining with 54% covers the largest territorial extension, occupied by native and indigenous populations, generating impacts on regulation, support and provision services, due to illegal logging, use of toxic inputs and drilling of extractive wells, since there is no adequate land use planning or participatory dialogue. Soil, water and air are affected with 52%, 42% and 6%, respectively. The conclusion is that the environmental surroundings are affected by mining activities.

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