Digital marketing strategy to improve the level of sales sales in a commercial company - Peru
Read ArticleDate of Conference
December 6-7, 2022
Published In
“Exponential Technologies and Global Challenges: Moving toward a new culture of entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainable development”
Location of Conference
Virtual Edition
Cruzado Ymán, José Noé
Aguilar Chávez, Pablo Valentino
Otiniano León, Mabel Ysabel
Calvanapon Alva, Flor Alicia
Currently, the design and implementation of digital marketing strategy has become relevant in the organizational dynamics, affecting the level of sales; and, therefore, in better economic results, growth and positioning of a business. Therefore, this research aimed to determine how digital marketing strategies will improve the sales level of a commercial company in Peru, comparing the periods 2020 and 2021. An applied, experimental design and cross-sectional research was conducted; an ordinal measurement scale was used for the digital marketing variable and the ratio was applied for the sales variable. The population and sample consisted of 167 customers, and the simple random probability method was used for sampling. A questionnaire and a documentary analysis guide were used to collect the information, respectively. Validity was evaluated by the judgment of specialists and reliability was identified through Cronbach's alpha, whose data were analyzed and processed in the SPSS V 25 program, obtaining a value of 0.850 for digital marketing. The correlation of the variables was determined through the nonparametric MannWhitney U test. It was concluded that, by applying digital marketing strategies, the level of sales in a commercial company - Peru was improved, according to the independent samples test the p value is less than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected. For, in the year 2021 a total sale of S/. 498,515.00 was obtained, as opposed to the year 2020 with a total of S/. 332,520.00; which represented an increase with respect to the previous year of S/. 165,995.00 soles. Likewise, it was concluded that the use of digital marketing strategies (4F) is regular in the company and that the indicators with greater emphasis are: functionality and loyalty with 90%, feedback 87% and flow 77%; the same that are of vital importance to increase the sales of this organization.