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Analysis of the Efficiency of Tiflotechnology Tools Implemented in Educational Centers: A Systematic Review (#550)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Huarcaya-Rivas, Stefanie S.

Tapia-Apolinario, Carlos E.

Coaquira-Torres, Edgar

Obregon-Calero, Teofilo J.


Currently, there are a large number of blind people who find it difficult to carry out certain daily activities, one of them is related to the educational field. Education for blind people turns out to be a big problem since many centers do not have special tools that adapt to the needs of each person, making their learning and personal development difficult. Therefore, this review aims to analyze the efficiency of different tiflotechnological tools for the learning of students with visual disabilities. To do this, an analysis and qualitative-quantitative design corresponding to a systematic review was used. From this, research works on the topic found in various databases were collected. For a better bibliographic search, a PICO question was formulated that allowed us to describe key components for RSL. Then, the selection process was carried out with PRISMA logic, which, based on the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles were selected for the development of the research. The results obtained indicate that the most efficient tools are the braille reader with the improvement of skills to read and interpret texts, horus with a 98% level of effectiveness is a support instrument and braille printer developed for cost-benefit reasons, and finally, an application developed by university students with an efficiency level of 97%, improving accessibility with university systems. It was concluded that, the use of tiflotechnological tools has mostly presented a high level of effectiveness in terms of their use and improvement of their learning, autonomy, and independence of people with visual disabilities.

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