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Effect of Mobile Wallet Service on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Look at the Consumer in Lambayeque – Peru (#292)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Arbulú Ballesteros, Marco Agustín

Flores Lezama, Marilú Trinidad

Otiniano León, Mabel Ysabel

Li Vega, Fiorella Vanessa

Castro Muñoz, William Teófilo

Alburuqueque Arana, Fausta Elizabeth

Paredes Morales, Ana Elizabeth


This study investigated the growing relevance of mobile wallets in the daily lives of consumers, with a special focus on the Lambayeque region. The aim was to analyze how these systems affect customer satisfaction and loyalty, considering the context of an emerging technology and the cultural and socioeconomic differences in its adoption and perception. The methodology used was quantitative, employing a questionnaire administered to 300 Lambayeque mobile wallet users. The data collected were analyzed using statistical techniques in SPSS and AMOS, evaluating the validity and reliability of the instruments and the goodness of fit of the proposed model. The results revealed that service quality and perceived cost are significant determinants of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In contrast, perceived ease of use, utility, and security did not show a significant impact on these variables. Regression analysis indicated that the mobile wallet service has a significant direct and indirect impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Strategic recommendations include emphasizing quality and personalization of service, adopting a competitive cost structure, enhancing security, developing useful functionalities, adapting marketing strategies and products to local needs, promoting financial inclusion, educating users, integrating with other services and platforms, and responding to market trends.

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