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Autoconstrucción indígena y arquitectura bioclimática. Nacionalidad Quichua-Andino pueblo Saraguro. Ilincho-Loja-Ecuador (#1994)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Correa-Jaramillo, Ramiro

Torres-Gutiérrez, Mercedes


This study focuses on Ilincho, an indigenous community in Saraguro, Loja, known for its rainy continental climate and approximately 160 families. Its objective is to highlight the importance of indigenous housing in rural Andean environments, emphasizing its contribution to sustainable bioclimatic architecture through cultural self-building practices. The methodology included analyzing the territorial context of the community and its indigenous dwellings, documenting the self-construction process, and evaluating the thermal performance of the housing envelope using specialized software. The findings underscore the value of indigenous empirical knowledge, guided by ancestral experimentation and community efforts such as the "minga", in creating sustainable, climate-responsive structures using natural resources like earth. This approach meets the requirements of thermal comfort, employs clean technologies, and adheres to the thermal transmittance standards of the Ecuadorian NHS_NEE regulations.

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