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Critical factors that influence the turnover intention of workers in the company Reforestadora Amazónica S.A. operations area (#1837)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Olivares Espino, Iván Martín

Geldres Marchena, Teodoro Alberto

Sifuentes Inostroza, Hermes Natividad

Hernández Molina, Angel

Ruiz Sirlopú, José Ronald

González Sánchez, José Luis

Vargas Sagastegui, Joel David


This research is descriptive and was carried out to analyze the independent variables of work environment, job satisfaction, work motivation and work commitment; and the dependent variable of turnover intention of the workers in the operations area; From a total population of 388 workers, the population sample of 193 workers was obtained. Once the information was collected and analyzed, the results were subjected to the reliability analysis of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, obtaining coefficient values ​​greater than 0.8; for the variable work environment (0.95), work commitment (0.90), work motivation (0.93), job satisfaction (0.85) and turnover intention (0.81); which qualifies the instruments with a good level of reliability. Regarding the association of the organizational variables studied, it was found that these have different levels of influence on the turnover intention of the company's workers, finding the following correlations: work environment (-0.86), job satisfaction (-0.76), work motivation (-0.71) and work commitment (-0.68) with the turnover intention variable; Negative correlations indicate that higher levels of measurement of the independent variables guarantee lower levels of turnover intention in workers and vice versa.

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