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Perceived Quality, Customer Engagement, and Satisfaction in Supermarkets of Ecuador (#1814)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica


Zambrano Verdesoto, German Jazmany

Fayos Gardó, Teresa

Calderón García, Haydeé


Perceived quality in the supermarket retail sector is a significant factor in customers' subjective evaluation of the excellence of a product or service, influenced by their expectations and perceptions. The object of this research is to determine how perceived quality and commitment impacts consumer satisfaction. To collect the information, 362 consumers were selected from seven supermarkets in Ecuador. For the analysis, SEM structural equation modeling was used, where Significant data was obtained in the results, a positive correlation is demonstrated between the quality perceived by customers, their level of commitment to the brand and their satisfaction. These results show that customers who perceive high quality in products or services will be more likely to commit emotionally to the brand and express higher levels of satisfaction.

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