Intelligent system generator of numerical derivation exercises with gamification (#1430)
Read ArticleDate of Conference
July 17-19, 2024
Published In
"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."
Location of Conference
Costa Rica
Silva López, Rafaela Blanca
Pablo, Hugo
An action that is carried out in each school period of a class, such as numerical methods, consists of the generation of exercises. Exercises are required to be used as examples in class, assignments, or test items. It takes a considerable amount of exercises to foresee that students have the solutions in advance. The exercises will have their respective solution, which must be found in a period such as the one you have to solve an exam. This paper presents an exercise generator for the topic of numerical derivation. The developed software facilitates the generation of several exercises with their answer, such that students can solve in the interval provided to take an exam. A technique in which a course can be taught is gamification, which tries to establish a gaming environment in areas as varied as: education, business, among others. The exercises that are generated are of the topic of numerical derivation such that they have an interpretation that is given in a gamified context. The algorithms for the development of the software, its implementation and the results obtained for the generation of exercises used in the topic of numerical derivation for the course of Numerical Methods in Engineering of the UAM Azcapotzalco are shown.