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Analysis of visits to the Ricardo Palma University Natural History Museum using the T distribution (#1254)

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Date of Conference

July 17-19, 2024

Published In

"Sustainable Engineering for a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Future at the Service of Education, Research, and Industry for a Society 5.0."

Location of Conference

Costa Rica



Palma Yancachajlla, Luis Fernando

Canales Huamani, Joey Gabriel

Sandoval Lingán, Paula Stella

Fleitas Marusic, Juan Sebastián


The present case study was conducted with undergraduate students at Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru, in the Experimental Design course between September and October 2023. The didactic methodology employed allowed for the application of theoretical statistical knowledge to real-life situations in order to develop practical and analytical skills. The objective of the study is to evaluate if there are significant differences in the number of visits by student/children audiences to the Ricardo Palma University Natural History Museum (MHNURP) during the years 2018 and 2019. Statistical inference was performed using the t-distribution for independent samples, along with tests for normality and equality of variance to ensure the reliability of the results obtained. Additionally, SPSS and MINITAB were used for their respective advantages and software capabilities. It was demonstrated that there was no significant difference at the 95% level in visits to the MHNURP by student/children audiences for the years 2018 and 2019. It is important to note that this analysis was based on the available samples and considered variables. Other relevant factors and variables could influence visits to the MHNURP and should be considered in future research. It is recommended to implement various strategies to attract a greater number of visits from the studied audience, such as interactive educational programs, attractive exhibitions, special events, discounts, and collaborations with other institutions. Furthermore, it is suggested to explore other possible actions that may be beneficial in promoting MHNURP programming.

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