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Sensory perception of a sorbet-type ice cream based on yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), Peru-2023 (#854)

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Date of Conference

July 19-21, 2023

Published In

"Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development"

Location of Conference

Buenos Aires


Oliva-Cotrina, Enzo Sebastian

Armas-Quipuscoa, Victor Hugo

Felipe-Bravo, Gaby Mónica


There are Andean tubers, such as yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), whose consumption is limited despite the multiple functional properties it possesses; preparations made from this tuber are scarce. Previous studies indicate that Andean tubers contain a wide variety of uses that could be implemented in people's diets. The study carried out was the result of a thesis and its objective was to determine the sensory perception of a sorbet-type ice cream based on yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) in the city of Trujillo-Peru, 2023. The study had a quantitative, descriptive, applied and cross. The sample consisted of 123 students from the Gastronomy and Restaurant Management career. The instrument used was an observation guide, which evaluates 4 dimensions: color, smell, taste and texture. Each participant was given a 30 ml sample of sherbet ice cream. After analyzing the data, it was found that the product had a general acceptance of 55%, within the dimensions evaluated, the one with the highest score was the flavor with 83% acceptance, followed by the texture with 81% acceptance, then the color, with an acceptance of 61% and finally the smell had an acceptance of 46%. The participants described the product as: sweet, refreshing, fruity, odorless, yellow in color and natural looking. It was concluded that the yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)-based ice cream sorbet had a sensory perception of "pleasant" so it can be turned into a product with functional properties with commercial potential. Further studies are recommended to improve the standard formulation in relation to smell and determination of sensory perception in other participating groups.

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