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Artificial intelligence tutoring versus tutoring with experts in learning the preclinical and clinical areas of medicine (#1504)

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Date of Conference

July 19-21, 2023

Published In

"Leadership in Education and Innovation in Engineering in the Framework of Global Transformations: Integration and Alliances for Integral Development"

Location of Conference

Buenos Aires


Valladares Patiño, Ana Gabriela

Rojas Peñafiel, Jose Augusto


The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of working with tutorials using Artificial Intelligence versus tutoring with an expert in the subject of Pharmacology in preclinical and clinical areas in a sample of 100 sixth and tenth semester university students. Having a period of 6 weeks of monitoring with the types of tutoring in two groups distributed randomly. A baseline was generated that allowed a subsequent analysis of having intervened with the two types of tutoring mentioned above. The hypothesis was verified, since the group that worked with AI surpassed the results of the multi-test exam at the end of the intervention time. Therefore, the conclusions can contribute to the design of medical study plans at the University level, considering AI a tool that allows the improvement of Teaching-Learning processes. It should be taken into account that the two groups received classes with experts in the same way, and that this study was based on the modification only in the extra-class tutoring process of the Pharmacology subject. In addition, the topics and subtopics evaluated are the same ones that were worked on in said tutorial spaces. Keywords—Artificial Intelligence, Tutor expert, Tutoring, Medical Education, Effectiveness.

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