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Increase in the level of service in an industrial trading company through the Winters Forecast Method, Lean Warehouse and BPM

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Camacho-Obregón, Rhandol

Palomino-Cárdenas, José

Macassi, Iliana


Currently, there is a considerable amount of commercial MYPES presenting economic losses due to stock breakage and incorrect stock management, this is caused by inefficient supply methods and little order within their warehouses and standardization of internal warehouse processes. . In this context, the additional costs for not having the products available is the most critical scenario for distribution companies whose core business is to offer the highest level of customer service. The motivation of this article is based on designing a quantitative replenishment method and redesigning the focus of the internal processes developed by the personnel within the warehouses, as well as designing and implementing an operational tool that allows the warehouses to be correctly organized. To address this challenge, the present investigation aims to eliminate the problems within a company where its service level is 83.47%, below the investigated technical gap of 91% at the regional level in Latin America of 95% at the international level. The proposed solutions are based on the improvement of the quantitative indicators proposed through tools such as demand forecasting with the Winters Method, the application of the 5S operational tool and standardization of processes with the BPM tool, additionally, the recoding of products is proposed. based on the GS1 international code guide.

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