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Application of the BIM Methodology for the Coordination and Identification of Percentage Variation in the Budget of the Commercial Building

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Alva Sarmiento, Anita Elizabet

Yopla Ocas, Juan Carlos

Zavaleta Hoyos, Darwin


The coordination of systems or specialties in the development of construction projects identifies problems of spatial conception between the different engineering departments, but many projects do not carry out this procedure before their physical construction, do not develop collaborative processes and do not implement new improvement methodologies. For this reason, this research focuses on presenting the amount of incompatibilities and interferences that are determined through coordination through the forecast of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology and how this impacts the forecast budget. The research is mainly based on the modeling and coordination of the different engineering, starting with the organization of the project's native CAD (Computer-Aided Design) information and its transition, as a basis towards BIM (Building Information Modeling), thus achieving the change from the 2D world to the 3D one, being able to easily identify incompatibilities and interferences. The results of the coordination determine the increase in the initial budget of the project by 2.84%, this under the use of criteria for the solution of incompatibilities and interferences of the different engineering in the design stage, since in a construction stage this percentage would increase. for the use of its resources.

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