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Relevance of Social Media Marketing in a Social Commerce emerged in times of pandemic

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Paredes-Atencio, Leslie

López Martos, Rosa

Malpica-Rodríguez, Manuel

Pérez-Aguilar, Daniel


The growth of the Internet, the rise of social networks and the pandemic caused by COVID-19 have led companies to use digital media to expand their communication, marketing and product sales activities; however, most do not have a defined action plan to achieve their business goals, causing them not to attract new customers and therefore not increase their sales. In this sense, this research aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of a social media marketing plan on the sales of a textile social commerce, to evaluate the applicability of this solution to improve the presence in social networks, increasing engagement and sales. For this, a pre-experimental study was developed, using a population sample of 29 sales that represents the total sales to the date of the textile enterprise, and from this, the social media marketing plan was developed and implemented under the SOSTAC methodology. Finally, through a statistical analysis T of student, it was concluded that the social media marketing plan had a positive effect on the sales of the textile social commerce, increasing sales by 79.70% and at the same time the number of products sold increased by a 42.86%.

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