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Resilience in first cycle students in a university.

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Alvarez Barrantes, José Alberto

Miranda Guerra, Maria del Pilar

Carrillo Carranza, Liliana Beatriz


The high dropout rate presented by students is a concern for university institutions, mostly generated by changes in the environment that bring with them exposure to challenging situations, it has been shown that resilience is an ability that allows young people to assume successfully biological experiences of risk; even go further by thriving in the face of stressful events. Given the above, university institutions developed a strong interest in determining the level of resilience of their students, especially in the first cycles; given that, it would allow them to lay the foundations to develop mechanisms that allow increasing student retention levels. The research aimed to analyze the resilience of first-cycle university students with a quantitative approach, analytical and descriptive method. The results obtained determine that the entering university students present a moderate level of resilience, the lowest levels of resilience are detected in the dimensions of equanimity, feeling good alone and personal satisfaction, which denotes important opportunities for institutions that seek to develop mechanisms that increase resilience. resilience of students throughout their professional development.

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