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Dynamic model for establishing policies of attention to the street dwellers

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Mendez-Giraldo, German

Rodriguez-Paz, Ana

MuÑoz-Veloza, Jean


The collective well-being as well as the expansion of opportunities for all citizens are two of the most important goals of any society because the guaranteed opportunity for individual and collective growth for all is necessary to guarantee the sustainability of society. However, many countries have a significant number of people who are homeless, figures that get worse amongst others by the crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This proves an unequivocal state of vulnerability and the carelessness on the part of the governments who ignore the magnitude of this social problem. This leads to other problems such as micro-trafficking businesses, insecurity, unhealthiness, increased consumption of psychoactive substances; without counting other intangible issues derived by the little recognition and inequality in which the street dwellers live. What could countries with few economic resources do to mitigate this problem to balancing assistance with strict control, and at the same time privilege prevention. The ARCOSES research group in its line of social problems proposes alternatives through continuous simulation models to ensure social sustainable development, and the proper use of limited resources. For this, it uses its own methodologies for the acquisition and representation of knowledge, finding that before implementing models used in developed countries, a detailed study of the context of street dwellers in each region must be carried out, as well as it was shown that the best strategy to implement in the Colombian case covers simultaneously preventive and corrective politics.

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