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Process Management Model and its Influence on Customer Satisfaction in a Minimarket in Trujillo

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Boñón-Silva, Cesia Elizabeth

Morales-Alva, Erika Antonella

Morales-Arévalo, Flavia Fernanda

Bravo-Huivin, Elizabeth Kristina

Deza-Castillo, Juan Miguel

Alfaro-Rosas, Jorge Luis


This research work was aimed at determining the influence of a process management model on customer satisfaction in a minimarket in Trujillo during the 2019-2021 period. The design is pre-experimental, where a reliable questionnaire (Cronbach's Alpha of 0.75) was applied to 52 clients. Likewise, an interview guide applied to the manager and collaborators of the company, and the questionnaire which was applied to consumers were taken as data collection instruments. The study began with the Diagnosis of the processes in the minimarket, before applying the process management model, Proposal based on the process management model, Economic Analysis and Evaluation and Monitoring of the Proposal. It is concluded that customer satisfaction in the post - test is at the "Excellent" level, having obtained an average score of 4.57, compared to 2.94 obtained in the pre - test, for which the implementation generated an impact positive, achieving an increase of 1.63 points. Finally, the investigation culminated in the economic evaluation, obtaining a NPV of S/. 47,103.13 and a benefit cost of 18.99%.

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