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Sustainable management of plastic waste and water in the production of houses of social interest in San Clemente, Manabí

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Date of Conference

July 18-22, 2022

Published In

"Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions"

Location of Conference

Boca Raton


Briones, Juan


Manabí is the second province in Ecuador with the largest housing deficit, with approximately 50% of this deficit in San Clemente alone. Around the beaches of this commune 800 kg of plastic waste are produced year after year and continually suffers from electrical blackouts due to poor design of the current electrical network. This scientific article addresses the problem through sustainable solutions that promote a sustainable housing design proposal based on the collection of plastic waste and obtaining hydraulic energy. The production of waste is analyzed for the production of 150 new houses based on this sustainable solution.

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