Cybersecurity Program Designed for Future

Published in: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Communities: Proceedings of the 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
Date of Conference: July 24-26, 2019
Location of Conference: Montego Bay, Jamaica
Authors: Claudio R. Brito (COPEC, BR)
Melany M. Ciampi (WCSEIT, BR)
Henrique D. Santos (University of Minho, PT)
Full Paper: #549


As a relatively new field with demand currently well above offer, good cybersecurity professionals can be difficult to find. This gives jobseekers some advantages such as: plentiful job openings; it is a candidates’ market — for now; companies routinely pay top salary for cybersecurity and information security expertise; cybersecurity experts play critical roles in keeping companies and their customers safe. Taking these aspects into account it is possible to state that the right time to earn a degree in cybersecurity is right now. This paper has the goal to show a cyber security program specially designed for K12, the result of a research conducted to design a program for a private school that is investing viewing the possibility to enlarge its services in education field once it is a solid organization. Cybersecurity program at the level of K12 in fact a step to the expansion to Graduation programs for future.