On the compressibility of two layer lateritic soil profile of Vichada region Colombia |
Published in: | Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities and Communities: Proceedings of the 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 24-26, 2019 |
Location of Conference: | Montego Bay, Jamaica |
Authors: | Carlos Eduardo Torres Romero (Universidad Santo Tomás, CO) Julio Esteban Colmenares Montañez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, CO) (Universidad Santo Tomás) |
Full Paper: | #333 |
Abstract:It is analyzed the influence of microstructure of a lateritic soil profile from Vichada department Colombia, in its compressibility for a K0 stress path, in an equipment adapted with piezoceramic transducers, capable of emitting and receiving simultaneous shear and compression waves. For this, oedometric compression tests were performed in samples with different structure conditions, like a natural soil samples, reconstituted, sutured and soils samples in slurry suspension at the liquid limit. It was confirmed that the microstructure in both layers exerts an influence on the volumetric behavior, which is more evident in the upper horizon and is related to the strongest weathering intensity. The Vichada department is characterized by having a road network in poor condition due to the generalized ignorance of the behavior of soils in the region. The results presented in the article are an advance in the state of the art of the study of mechanical behavior in Colombian lateritic soils |