Abstract:In this paper we study the relationship of the characteristics, factors and variables of the university teacher with the results of Value-Added and Relative Contribution reported by the ICFES and the MIDE in the period 2014 to 2017, taking the evaluations of the generic tests of mathematical reasoning, critical reading and reading comprehension, in the engineering programs of the institutions of higher education (HIEs) in Bogotá, D.C., seeking to contribute elements for the construction of policies and institutional programs, from the Teachers Factor, that allow improving the performance of university students and therefore the improvement of the quality of Higher Education in Colombia.
An investigation with a mixed approach and a causal model methodology is followed, where ICFES, MIDE databases are used and the information collected from a survey instrument applied to Basic Science Teachers and Executives from the participating HEIs. These data are processed, studied and analyzed using the KDD method together with CRISP-DM, seeking to establish strong relationships between the Teaching Factor and the performance of HEIs based on added value and relative contribution.
Based on data and information offered by MIDE, the analysis shows that the variable with the most correlation with respect to added value is that of teachers with postgraduate studies, but without making reference to the type of studies (specialization, masters or doctorate).
The analysis of the data shows that even when there is information about the teaching aspect, it is incomplete, in the sense of not having all the aspects that a teacher integrates into his academic, investigative and administrative work |