Herramienta interactiva en línea como instrumento para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas mediante las técnicas de programación, dirigido a alumnos de educación secundaria |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Auccahuasi Wilver (Universidad Continental, PE)
Grisi, Bernardo (Instituto Peruano De Investigacion En Ingenieria Avanzada, PE)
Madelaine, Bernardo (Instituto Peruano De Investigacion En Ingenieria Avanzada, PE)
Daniel, Vega (Instituto Peruano De Investigacion En Ingenieria Avanzada, PE)
Roxana, Urbano (Instituto Peruano De Investigacion En Ingenieria Avanzada, PE)
Elizabeth, OrÉ (Universidad Continental, PE) |
Full Paper: | #573 |
Secondary education is the pillar in the development of skills and competences of the basic sciences, allowing students to develop skills that will allow them to choose a professional carreta, the course of mathematics is the one in allowing the development of logical, analytical skills, interpretation and of calculation, allowing to develop with greater comfort in higher education. University careers and techniques related to engineering areas, have a strong component in mathematics and the development of certain courses related to the use of computer tools with greater emphasis on programming courses, it is the programming courses that allow the continuity of the student, in this research work, we present an interactive tool through which the student of secondary education is presented, topics related to mathematics and the way how they can be solved through the use of programming techniques, jointly developing mathematical, logical and programming skills, allowing the student to improve their cognitive skills and their ability to use the different computational tools, the pilot test was conducted on the basis of 15 students in the second grade of secondary education of a school in Lima, where he was given the basic course of pr ogramming using the interactive tool, developing development guides with problems of mathematical reasoning, which allowed us to analyze the improvement in the way of approaching mathematical problems from a logic of programming as well as the way of learning a programming language, in our case the language used was Python with an interactive tool based on artificial intelligence, which allows the student to ask about the use of the language syntax.