Abstract:This document describes the implementation of the prototype of an acquisition, transmission and visualization system for hydrometeorological data, based on a single board computer (Raspberry Pi 2 Model B).The system includes 8 analog inputs, 2 digital inputs and 1 serial input with SDI-12 protocol. The information obtained from the sensors is acquired and stored in a local database. The measured data is displayed on a touch screen by means of a graphical interface for the configuration of parameters, management of the database, visualization of images and analysis of hydrometeorological data. According to a periodic condition defined by the user, the information is transmitted wirelessly to Hydras3, the national visualization system used in Colombia by the “Instituto de Hidrología Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)”. This is specialized software used for experts to analysis in the area of hydrology and meteorology. Additionally, the system integrates a camera that allows the capture and storage of images used to record different types of atmospheric phenomena, clouds, climate changes such as melting or hydrological variables such as river levels and lakes.