Establecimiento de la metodología para el diseño, implantación, evaluación y sostenibilidad de Rúbricas, que aseguren los resultados educativos en estudiantes (ABET). Caso Rúbricas en los cursos de la Especialidad de Ingeniería Industrial |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Rodolfo Falconi (Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, PE)
Full Paper: | #438 |
Abstract:A methodology has been established that has allowed to verify that the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Systems considers as rubrics of measurement of the level reached by the competences in the courses to: i) the syllables, ii) the entrance test and respective report, iii) final report, iv) Final Degree Project - Capstone Design Project-, here we have identified that there is a lack of systematization and articulation of these instruments, although it should be noted the integrating evidence of competencies such as the participation of students in the fair of diverse projects and congresses - CONEII, CLEIN and CODE. On the other hand, the respondents - students, teachers and graduates - show with their evaluations that they are satisfied with the level reached in most of the competences.
These results significantly reinforce the decision to continue with the actions of continuous improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning processes considered within the Internal Cycle - of the two cycles proposed by the ABET-, and to establish the internal organic mechanisms that facilitate, ensure and sustain the attainment of competences -specific and transverse- aligned with the Educational Objectives.