Abstract:This research project is developed in response to the study carried out by the World Bank ""At a Crossroads: Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean"" where it takes three fundamental aspects for higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean, in which find quality, diversity and equity, and define themselves as; ""A diverse offer allows students to find the best option. Also, a good system of higher education offers quality programs that maximize the potential of students given their best option. And a good system of higher education is equitable when students have access to the same opportunities""
According to the above, the Santo Tomas University from the Industrial Engineering Faculty - Bogota, wishes to make its commitment to the contribution of a good system of higher education in one of the sectionals with the account USTA Colombia, in the city of Tunja in the department of Boyaca, where it is recognized as the ""University City"" by the different programs offered by public and private Higher Education Institutions, such as the Santo Tomas University (USTA), the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC), Boyacá University (UniBoyacá), Antonio Nariño University (UAN), among others.
In addition Tunja is recognized for the cost and lifestyle, variety in its programs ranging from different branches of engineering to a large portfolio of degrees and health sciences. What is decisive for the students when it comes to lean towards Tunja since thousands of young people from Casanare, Santanderes, Cundinamarca and Meta arrive annually in the capital of Boyaca.