Abstract:Nowadays, women play an active role in society, so their inclusion in the generation of income for the family is important. According to the Institute of Statistics and Census of Ecuador (2010), there are 8,087,914, of which 4,583,512 are women, from this group, 1,069,988 are housewives, activity that does not generate any income. For this reason, this project searches mechanisms to empower women in productive age who are family heads and live in La Union, encouraging them to get involved in entrepreneurship activity to increase income and benefit the family economy and indeed community development of La Union-Duran in Guayas-Ecuador. This place is very close to the Guayas River and the pools of the shrimp company, which supports the ESPOL (Polytechnic School of the Litoral), as part of its corporate social responsibility to generate an integral social program that contributes to enhance the life quality of its inhabitants. This is the first project developed in this program, based on the results of the socio-economic study, there are 152 women of legal age who are engaged in domestic chores that prevent them from generating income to their family nucleus. For this reason, most receive the Human Development Bonus from the government.
To promote the productive inclusion of women / godmothers, a personalized training program was developed with the technical advice of the students / godchildren for the design of business plans for their subsequent implementation.