Mathematical model to estimate the probability to approve given the first grade at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: | Tarquino Sánchez (Escuela Politecnica Nacional, EC)
Ivan Sandoval (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC)
Diego Salazar (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC)
Ximena Sánchez (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC)
Vanessa Guevara (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC) |
Full Paper: | #284 |
Abstract:Ecuadorian universities must undergo a rigorous process of internal and external evaluation of the quality of education by the Consejo de Evaluación, Acreditación y Aseguramiento de la Calidad del Sistema de Educación Superior (CEAACES). The institutional evaluation model for Higher Education Institutions from Ecuador seek to establish a standard procedure to have a continuous monitoring of the approval’s probability of the students in each of classes. These activities allow academic units to improve their quality management. A logistic regression model was developed using 5 years of historical data, a brief discussion about the pertinence about main variables is also elaborated. A simulation and its results finally are shown, interpretation of the probability results and the estimated number of future student were found.