A Web Application for Automatically Generating the Network Infrastructure for Software Defined Networks on a Cloud

Published in: Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology
Date of Conference: July 18-20, 2018
Location of Conference: Lima, PerĂș
Authors: David Mejia (Escuela Politecnica Nacional, EC)
Ivan Bernal (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC)
Alvaro Jarrin (Escuela Politecnica Nacional, EC)
Full Paper: #235


This paper presents the implementation of a cloud that is used for instantiating virtual machines with a set of tools typically used for configuring and simulating networks based on Software Defined Networking (SDN). In terms of infrastructure, a web application is developed and included in each instantiated virtual machine so that even a user with minimal knowledge about SDN can create simple networks to start experimenting with this new network architecture. Users interact with the web application through a web interface that allows to select a topology, numbers of hosts and switches and choose from a given set of SDN controllers (POX, RYU and Pyretic). Some results obtained with the cloud, web application and the created SDN are presented