Identificación De La Variación De Captura De Carbono Por El Aprovechamiento Forestal En La Mega Obra El Tercer Carril En La Ciudad De Bucaramanga. |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Carlos Alberto Amaya Corredor (Unidades Tecnologicas De Santander, CO)
Carolina Hernandez Contreras (Unidades Tecnologicas De Santander, CO)
Oscar Geovanny Quintero Quintero (Unidades Tecnologicas De Santander, CO)
Shirley Alexandra Lesmes Pinzon (Unidades Tecnologicas De Santander, CO) |
Full Paper: | #230 |
Abstract:The necessities that arise with the demographic growth, the greater exmeasure of the automotive park and the precarious conditions of the road mesh in the city of Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area, are determining factors in the execution of mega works of road infrastructure that allow the social development And economic This development involves the intervention of urban green spaces of great ecological importance that provides environmental services such as CO2 capture, noise reduction, regulation of temperatures, among others.
The present study has the purpose of establishing CO2 capture conditions in the area of influence of the mega work of the primary corridor of Bucaramanga and Floridablanca between the Provenza bridge and the sun gate.
For the estimation of the CO2 capture, an analysis of the information of documents that requested to the committed entities like the CDMB, the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga and the direction of the transit of the municipality of Bucaramanga was carried out; After this respective analysis the data provided were interpreted.
Among the analyzes made to the documentation it was obtained that the CO2 storage potential of the grass cover before the work was 140,467 kg of CO2; That a consequence of the forest exploitation of the 691 authorized trees will cause a deterioration of the environmental quality in the area of influence and its recovery will be reflected and the compensation is made satisfactorily in the conditions and the terms of time suggested