Gestión de aparcamientos de cocheras utilizando técnicas de clasificación, lógica difusa y algoritmos evolutivos |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Mariluna Apaza-Luque (Universidad Católica de Santa María, PE)
Juan Manotupa-Gil (Universidad Católica de Santa María, PE)
Fidel Salas-Flores (Universidad Católica de Santa María, PE)
José Sulla-Torres (Universidad Católica de Santa María, PE) |
Full Paper: | #209 |
Abstract:This article presents the analysis of the data of a garage for light and heavy vehicles to extract enough information that allows us to manage the parking and can predict the number of free spaces in a certain day, as well as to find the potential customers. This was done using the KDD methodology, for data mining we use the WEKA, KEEL and Matlab tools that provide us with different algorithms such as J48, Bayes BayesNet, KNN-C, DT_GA-C and GANN-C to do the evaluation. As a result, the possible potential customers of the company were classified and, in addition, the best result is obtained with the J48 algorithm, which obtained 90.43% accuracy and an error percentage of 0.4553 using the GANN-C algorithm.