La Educación Superior Ecuatoriana: Una Historia En Búsqueda De Determinar Su Calidad |
Published in: | Innovation in Education and Inclusion : Proceedings of the 16th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology |  |
Date of Conference: | July 18-20, 2018 |
Location of Conference: | Lima, Perú |
Authors: |
Jorge Daniel Ortiz Herrera (Universidad Central del Ecuador, EC)
Susana Cadena (Universidad Central del Ecuador, EC)
Edison Loza (Escuela Politécncia Nacional, EC)
Marco Segura (Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EC)
Alba Perez Abellaneda (Universidad Central del Ecuador, EC)
Jorge Luis Garcia (Universidad de Cuenca, EC) |
Full Paper: | #162 |
Abstract:In Ecuador, the discussion on the concept of quality of Higher Education Institutions becomes relevant when the obligatory evaluation for accreditation purposes appears in the university work; however, there are historical antecedents that must be discussed in order to anchor this concept to reality and relevant facts that guided its construction; its result will serve as a guide to establish educational quality as a university culture in academic work. Initially the quality of higher education was considered as inherent to institutions, for a century this affirmation became an axiom, then there was a first moment of expansion of the Institutions with great impulse of the State, in that stage there was already an empirical differentiation of quality universities and they are linked to their history, this stage lasts around four decades; the next moment, which refers to something more than three decades, there is a new expansion of the institutions in this case with impulse from the private sector in which definitions of quality or efficiency almost disappear, since the law of higher education of the Year 2000 assumes quality verification as a substantial element of higher education. From there, two evaluations have been carried out, with an obligatory evaluation process for recategorization that has mobilized new actions within the universities. The results of the research will guide in the construction of the concept of quality of higher education mediated by history, the State and the strategies provoked by the Academy, the purpose of establishing the premises to build a model of Quality Management of Education is prioritized Higher.